*Note: Our online bookstore periodically undergoes updates, so always refer to the course book list, not the online bookstore, for a current list of what books you should purchase.
Elementary and Jr. High: After you're fully enrolled, go to Griggs Online and select your course. Click on "Ask For..." and select the eTextbook request button. Check your Griggs Online email for a message (within 48 business hours of sending in the request) with information on how to access your eBook.
High School: After you're fully enrolled, go to Griggs Online, select your course, and click the Request button to choose to request your eTextbook. Check your Griggs Online email for a message (within 48 business hours of sending in the request) with information on how to access your eBook.
Questions? Contact: enrollgia@andrews.edu or call 269-471-6529
Griggs International Academy
8903 U.S. Hwy 31
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1950
269-471-6570 (Michigan Office)
301-526-6369 (TEXT ONLY) La Ronda Forsey, Principal
(269) 598-4870 (TEXT ONLY) Jeannie Leiterman, Associate Principal/Registrar
Griggs International Academy—MD
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
240-718-4715 (TEXT ONLY) Lamar Nangle, Vice Principal/Academic Advisor/APLE Director