Welcome to Griggs International Academy (GIA)! We are happy to help you accomplish your academic goals. GIA has been serving students from around the world for over 100 years. Throughout time, things have been constantly changing. We embrace change and are constantly striving to enhance our programs. Be sure to browse through our website. You will see that GIA has a wide variety of students and programs to fit different needs. We serve many homeschoolers and students in established schools. Our team is appreciative of this array of learners!
Griggs offers elementary curriculum for K-5 and online courses for Grades 6-12 that connects directly to the teacher of each course. Since we are owned and operated by Andrews University, we have valuable resources that have enriched our program. One example is that Andrews has partnered with us to provide an online option for our qualifying students to take university courses while finishing high school.
This is an exciting time to be a part of Griggs. We hope that you join us and reap the benefits of our accredited school. We want to bring distance education closer to you.
La Ronda Forsey, MS
Associate Dean/School of Distance Education
K-12 Principal/Griggs International Academy
E-mail: laronda@andrews.edu
Phone: (Office) 269-471-6548
Phone: (Text) 301-526-6369
Griggs International Academy
8903 U.S. Hwy 31
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1950
269-471-6570 (Michigan Office)
301-526-6369 (TEXT ONLY) La Ronda Forsey, Principal
(269) 598-4870 (TEXT ONLY) Jeannie Leiterman, Associate Principal/Registrar
Griggs International Academy—MD
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
240-718-4715 (TEXT ONLY) Lamar Nangle, Vice Principal/Academic Advisor/APLE Director