High School Students
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How do you know Griggs is the right fit for you?

If you are a:

  • Traditional-age, distance learner looking for a complete high school program leading to a regionally accredited diploma
  • Student looking to complete or make up the credits to graduate from your school
  • Student taking advanced classes during the summer to supplement your curricula

Whether taking a single class or a full diploma program, you will find Griggs's online courses help prepare you for your future.

While there are no live zoom classes, Griggs students are invited to get together for weekly class meetings and monthly events


How does Griggs differ from other schools?

There are several benefits to being a Griggs student:

  • Flexibility: With 12 months to complete a full course, students are free to work at their own pace.
  • Christian values: Griggs is owned and operated by Andrews University, an established leader in Christian education.
  • Academic excellence: Griggs is accredited regionally, nationally and internationally.
  • Online courses: Learn from the comfort of your own home no matter where you live.
  • Communication: Teachers are available via email or video-conferencing to answer questions and provide encouragement.
  • Staff: Dedicated staff members care deeply about your success. Contact us anytime for advice and guidance.


What are the courses like?

You can fully enroll in Griggs (taking all courses from Griggs) or just choose to enroll in a course while completing your schooling at another high school. 

Griggs offers open enrollment (enroll any time of the year), and all courses are self-paced allowing students to complete them at their own schedule. You will have 12 months to complete your courses however we recommend students complete the school year in 7-8 months (similar to a traditional school year.) 

Griggs curriculum is in English. You will need to have a solid knowledge of spoken and written English to be successful in the program. 

Teachers for each course are available to help with questions and provide grading/feedback on course work. Contact information for the teachers is provided in the course on Griggs Online (our online learning platform) once you are enrolled.


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Helpful Links:

Griggs Online-High School

Diploma Requirements

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Inspire. Transform. Serve.

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